Slots free
Mega Win Slots, available for Android phones and tablets through the Google Play store, is a video slots simulator with an emphasis on content and accessibility for new players. The game is fun and has all the innate addictiveness that comes with slot machines, but without breaking the bank.
The first thing I would like to point out about the game, and something that I have been particularly impressed with, is the amount of content that you can play for free. Many of these casino-type games only let you have a few games, or a few spins a day, and I have even played one that didn’t allow any free play at all. However, Mega Wins allows you to do pretty much anything you like for free, and that is a credit to the developer.
Yes, of course you can spend money here if you want to, and there are rewards and bonuses for those that do, but the level of free content here is really very generous.
There are plenty of slot machines to get your teeth into, each lovingly themed and created with quite some style. There are slots based on pirates, on ancient Egypt, on Mexico, food and many more. Each machine looks and feels different, even while retaining the same basic gameplay between them. Real effort has gone into the theming, with well drawn sprites and colourful characters everywhere. The only slots I missed were the old ‘Bar X‘ you used to find in the British seaside; maybe one day the developer will add one.
Here, straight from the developer, are the app’s best features:
– Amazing Slot Game Experiences, including Casino Games such as Fortune Wheel
– Daily Jackpots
– FREE slots to Play, All Day!
– Login with Facebook or play as a Guest
– Play with friends, send FREE COINS, and find something NEW every week
– Play with up to 100 pay lines
– High rewarding casino games
– Lots of MULTIPLIERS to improve your winnings
– Wild Slots – expending wild slots
The key thing with slot machine games is obviously win rate. Set it too low and you put players off, but setting it too high makes the game too trivial to continue with. Thankfully, in my time with the game, the win rate felt just about right. I would go through small stretches without winning much, but would then see my luck rise and fall, much like with real slot machines. There are multipliers that you can use to increase your chances.
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